Route Motif

Chloe Harris
Curated by Bruce Davies, BasementArtsProject

Preview Night: Thursday 22 June 5-8pm
Friday 23 June-Thursday 17 August

Chloe Harris is a young UK based artist whose work is driven by a love of architecture and city life. She graduated from Exeter School of Art in 2020 and in 2023 became a full member of the Society of Women Artists.

Chloe creates highly stylised prints that take familiar forms from her surroundings and abstracts them to the edge of recognition. As an artist she is prolific, and her work suggests not only a frantic pace of production but also of the subject matter: city living.

Exhibitions include Society of Women Artists 159th Annual Exhibition, 160th, 161st Online - Mall Galleries, Southwest Academy of Fine and Applied Arts: Reflections 2020

Chloe approached BasementArtsProject between pandemic lockdowns one and two about her then current ‘Amazon Series’; made whilst living in Leeds and working as a Key Worker for the Amazon Warehouse. During the remaining lockdowns BasementArtsProject presented her work through our online ‘Studio Journal’.

By the time of a full unlocking, Chloe had moved cities again and now lives in Manchester. Her current imagery looks at the community around climbing walls.

Before Chloe left for Manchester, BasementArtsProject booked her for two projects, one of which is the ‘Route Motif’ exhibitions of which this is part two, and a mural project in South Leeds. Route Motif takes us on a journey from Exeter through Leeds and onto Manchester. This iteration of Route Motif will be setting the scene to produce the mural. With hope this will be realised over the summer months, funding and permissions permitting, and may feature in some way as part of this exhibition.

The first part of this exhibition was staged at BasementArtsProject in May 2023.

Chloe’s awards include





Instagram @ChloeHarrisPrint

LinkedIn ChloeHarrisPrint
